Programming | Targeted advocacy & Influencing

Targeted Advocacy and Influencing

Central to our strategy is the art of influencing, which drives meaningful change within the communities we serve. Our approach aims to shift behaviours among community members and leaders, fostering an environment that supports better living conditions and stronger community structures. By embedding influencing in all our interventions, we ensure that our development efforts translate into lasting, positive outcomes.

Our targeted advocacy campaigns focus on addressing specific community challenges, and we place women, girls and young people at the forefront of these efforts. We mentor, train, and equip young leaders, empowering them to spearhead advocacy and influencing campaigns. This approach amplifies their voices, making their messages resonate deeply with their peers and the broader community. By enabling young people to lead, we ensure that the issues they champion gain greater visibility and impact, consolidating the gains achieved through our development work.

Our targeted influencing efforts concentrate on the following key areas:

  • Gender Equity and Inclusion.
  • Economic Empowerment.
  • Children’s Rights and Obligations.
  • Human Rights.
  • Environment and Climate.

While advocacy and influencing are integral to our daily activities, we strategically leverage international days to amplify our messages and elevate community issues. These occasions provide a platform to highlight the priorities of the communities we serve, engage with local and national authorities, and advocate for policies that align with our mission. Through this approach, we ensure that the voices of those most affected by these issues are heard and that their concerns remain at the forefront of decision-making processes.