
Livelihoods and Food security.

Our flagship work in the communities where we serve is in promoting Livelihoods and food security. Our interventions have been carefully tailored to underserved communities which still have high incidences of poverty that affects mostly women and girls. We have designed our projects to support households increase food crop production as one way of diversifying their incomes and also making farming more profitable. We promote improved farming methods and practices and use of modern technology in farming to increase crop yields so that households are food secure. We engage households to ensure long term food security in addition to transforming households into entrepreneur farmers, farmers who have secured their livelihoods and are able to earn and transform their lives.

We provide drought resistant seeds to households and farmers, and also offer training on improved methods of farming. We partner with sub county official especially the community development office and Agricultural extension officer to provide support, coaching and mentoring during the planting, weeding and harvesting periods. All this is done to equip farmers with skills and knowledge to sustainably take charge of their food security in the community.

Post-harvest handling is emerging to be a major factor in ensuring food security. As part of our long term strategy to transform households into entrepreneur farmers, we are strengthening post-harvest handling, promoting partnerships to increase and strengthen farmer access to markets with a long term plan of engaging in processing of produce. This is to give the farmers a high stake to earn from their produce. We believe that this will strengthen livelihoods and with close links to private sector development work, we will be in position to support the transformation of households through increased incomes. 

Our goal is to build our initiatives and interventions on methodologies and activities that promote sustainable increase in food crop productivity and incomes generated from agricultural produce, working with our farmers to adapt and build resilience to climate change, so that they are not affected by environmental and climate shocks which interrupt and disrupt planting seasons and overall contribute towards removing greenhouse gas emissions. Climate Smart Agriculture is our overall guiding principle.