About Us | Who We Are
Solidlinks Initiative for Development is a Female founded and female led not for profit community-based organization dedicated to empowering and building the capacity of women and young girls to address pressing local challenges through grassroot driven approaches that help to maximize their full potential, become self-reliant and active contributors in their communities.
Following the disruptions occasioned by Covid-19 pandemic and associated lockdowns that sent shock waves across the world leading to the collapse of businesses and social networks, sending a number of young people into un employment, businesses collapsing and livelihoods shuttered, children dropping out of school, increasing levels of unwanted pregnancies, early marriages and gender based violence that increased vulnerability in communities, we thought of how best we can use our years of experience and expertise in development gained from working with National and International organizations into something that can support communities to develop shock absorbers and quickly adjust to changes that could potentially crush their livelihoods.
We thus came together to create an organization to support our communities, especially women and girls who form an important part of our population. Our initiatives and interventions prioritize addressing critical needs of women, girls and young people in the communities, ensuring they have the opportunity to thrive in safe and supportive environments. We provide sexual and reproductive health education, and equip young girls both in school and out of school with knowledge and skills they need to make informed decisions about their health and well-being. We work closely with lower local governments to prevent gender-based violence within communities, creating safer spaces where women and girls can live without fear. These initiatives are crucial to fostering a generation of empowered and resilient women and girls who can confidently shape their futures and contribute meaningfully to their communities.
The cornerstone of our programing is in improving agricultural productivity at household level, with a strong emphasis on training women and equipping them with skills and knowledge in climate resilience agriculture to achieve sustainable food security. This initiative supports communities especially households headed by women, equipping them with knowledge and skills to adapt to changing climatic and environmental conditions to increase crop yields. We also support women to engage in small-scale trade within their communities. This enables women to generate income, meet the basic needs of their families, and provide for their children’s education and well-being. We are committed to strengthening resilience within our communities and continuing to deliver community-centered solutions that enhance economic and food security by investing in women and girls.
A world where women and girls can live life in dignity, with capacity to break through barriers of poverty and influence decisions that affect them, to realize their full potential.
To inspire and empower women, girls, and young people to acquire skills, knowledge, and opportunities needed to unlock their full potential while nurturing a dignified and inclusive society where they can thrive and lead.
- Committed to enhancing the unlimited potential of young people
- Respect for creativity, perspectives and backgrounds of all people
- We believe in and promote Honesty, integrity, efficiency and excellence
- We believe in the power of partnerships and collaboration